Services for Schools & Camps

Today’s classroom is not only for learning academics. The pressure to succeed is reported as the greatest stressor among today’s teens. Students need additional skills to cope with real-world challenges.

One of the most important developments in education is Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), a set of skills meant to empower students with tools that increase self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.

Studies show that  SEL improves academics and overall success. When it comes to academics and SEL, it’s not an either/or proposition. Both are vital pieces of education in creating a healthy, positive future for children. 

Schools & Camps

Social Emotional Learning Resources For Schools & Camps

What is social and emotional learning?

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is a process that teaches children to understand their emotions. SEL is composed of the following skills: learning how to set and achieve goals, feel and show feelings for others, build relationships, and make responsible choices. Now more than ever, SEL is essential because of the increased stress on young people in today’s society.


Why is social and emotional learning vital?

Social and emotional learning helps children interact and grow both in and outside of the classroom. SEL is used in schools to promote a safe, supportive place for learning.


What are the benefits of social and emotional learning?

Research shows that social and emotional learning leads to higher grades in school, better behavior, and a calmer school. Nearly 95% of teachers believe that social and emotional skills are teachable and report that SEL has shown benefits for students of all backgrounds.

Teachers also believe that SEL will be a benefit to students because of the positive effect on work ethic, school attendance, life success, and college preparation.

There are also long term values of social and emotional learning. Studies show that SEL leaves a positive impact up to 18 years later on academics, conduct problems, emotional distress, and drug use. There is also a correlation between higher rates of bullying and schools with limited SEL focus.


Who teaches social and emotional learning?

Children learn things from adults, and as adults, we set the tone for what’s acceptable in our society. Teachers and caretakers alike need to be aware of their influence on children. Leaders must be skilled in the competencies listed on the chart, if not they won’t be promoting the right values in the classroom.

Social and emotional development begins in the household, where core values and behaviors are . As parents, it’s essential to understand the influence that you have on your child as well.

You might be wondering how SEL can help your child’s school and camp. Teachers can incorporate social and emotional skills into all school topics across all grades. For example, they can use goal-setting instructions and focus on problem-solving strategies and the decision-making process.

Teaching children these skill sets at a young age will ensure that they are ready for the obstacles that life throws at us. SEL has a high focus on bridging the gaps in respect in today’s world. Things like accepting and understanding others, celebrating cultural differences, and engaging in civil dialog even during a disagreement.


What does Tame the Teen incorporate social-emotional learning in organizations like schools and camps?

We work o create customized programs that train staff in this unique skill set. Learn more about how Tame the Teen works with schools and camps.